Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?

My experience with the Lyra Delos has been good and to put it the best way too revealing?  So far my original vinyl sounds incredible, especially stuff from the Golden age of stereo.  Amazing to say the least.  However, newly remastered stuff sounds extremely overdone and in some cases unlistenable and I am talking about a lot of Classic reissues.  Is this just the way it will be or will this cartridge still relax a little as I only have roughly 50 hours or so on it?

Showing 2 responses by jbny

The Delos can be a great sounding cart you just need to make sure you have the loading right, it is sensitive to the cabling (not expense or expensive cabling but capacitance) . As was mentioned try 250-500 ohms. Mine is at 330 Ohms and sounds very big and expansive, mids and lows are weighty and authoritative. Upper mids and highs are very clear but not too bright. It's a revealing cart for sure. I listen to a lot of both new music as well as old 50's and 60's I don't think it plays favorites on recordings. It's a colored cart for sure, but most are, it's just definitely not a soft sounding or overly warm sounding cart.
The ART 9 is not as dynamic as the Delos, you might find it a little lacking on Classical, I did. But the ART 9 is a pretty balanced cart overall. I bought it based on the love it gets on this forum but for me I never felt it was the giant killer people here thought it was. It's nice, but I did not find it a musical as the Delos. 

I would play witht he Delos some more, it really can benefit from tweaking VTA and loading and setting the VTF at 1.72g. When it is set up right it should not sound shrill or harsh at all.