Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?

Just mounted a Lyra Lydian Beta on my Rega P25/RB600. Got some serious hum. I have heard of problems like this with Grado cartridges, but not with Lyra. Does anyone have experiance with this combination? Phono preamp is Sonic frontiers SFP-1.
I'd sell the P25/RB600 combination and buy a Basis 1400/Graham Robin setup to use with your cartridge and phono preamplifer.
I have the Lydian Beta with a Rega RB900/VPI HW-MkIII/Lehman Black Cube and have no hum problems at all.
I did a little troubleshooting today. I hooked the Rega/ Lydian up to an old Yamaha A700 integrated I had in the attic. The A700 has an MC phono stage. At first there was only a very low level hum. Then I realized I had the A700 in mono mode. Switched to stereo. Big hum. So I put the Rega/Lydian back in the main system and tried mono; low level hum. Switch to stereo; big hum. Did I get a bad cartridge? Or is the cartridge picking up the hum from some other source? I am just getting back into vinyl and am not having fun yet. Please help me before I bail (excuse the pun) out!
Jsbail- At the risk of stating the obvious, do you have a good ground? Have you tried it w/o a ground?

Are you axperiencing hum all the time or just when a record is playing? Is the hum from both channels or just one? Could you provide more specific details?

Have you inspected the wire clips to ensure that there is good contact with the cartridge pins as well as a good soldered connection to the wires? Are you asdsolutely sure that each wire is connected to the correct pin?
