Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?

Showing 9 responses by csmgolf

Doesn't the phone call "work" by quantum teleportation? I just did a little reading on the subject. I am no expert on it, but apparently neither are you. The world record is 89 miles using lasers in open air as stated in several articles, none of which are trying to sell anything. Maybe all of these teams of real scientists should get in touch with you and figure out how to do it to anywhere in the world over the telephone.
Mapman, the 'Ronery' link was hilarious. The best laugh I've had in a while.

I don't know how we could forget "Plan 9 from outer space". I can picture Ed Wood (GK) behind the partion wall with the flying saucer (tweak) hanging from a stick. The MD ads carry about the same authenticity as the movie.
I am still trying to figure out from those explanations where the advanced technology is located.

1. They are not in the audio signal, therefore they are advanced technology
2.Where does the advanced technology come from in taking a piece of copper sheet, cutting it with tin snips to kind of, sort of, maybe, look like a flying saucer, and then applying a glue backer to it? Even in your "description", you said nothing about what they do, just what they don't do. LOL
3. Compression springs have been around for many years. I guess the advanced technology in those is that you actually found some in a catalog and came up with the idea of charging someone more than ten times what you paid for them and marketing them as unique.
4. The closest that you came to actually coming up with a reason as to why it might work. Still, no proof that it does anything.

This doesn't even get into how you can get away with taking Lowe's incredibly cheap lead glass balls or their ceramic outlet covers, buying them and reselling them at 10 or more times the price you paid for them. It must be mind matter interaction or some sort of quantum pixie dust that you mystically applied to them.
So I am still waiting for an answer. The teleportation tweak supposedly "works" by quantum teleportation. Go ahead and google 'record quantum teleportation'. The world record is 89 miles using lasers in open air. I want to know how groups of real scientists working hard at trying to improve upon this can only make it work for 89 miles yet Machina Dynamica can make it work by telephone to anywhere in the world. The teleportation tweak must be where high concept, low tech, and an utter lack of integrity converge. This too can be yours for the low, low cost of $60 for a single phone call. Just imagine all of the wizardry that goes into some of the other MD products.
How about
a. Analyze this

b. Austin Powers - International man of mystery

c. The man with two brains

d. The nutty professor

e. True lies
Real science is validated by peers. Psuedo science requires no verification, just the word of the man behind the curtain (trust me it's true!). If what you are saying were even remotely close to the truth it would be validated and there would be no controversy. It is far easier to scam the unsuspecting and gullible. You are the absolute king of arguing in a circle. Pardon me if I am not at all impressed by your claims and find them utter and total BS. If I had been drinking milk the first time I read your explanation, I would have had milk coming out my nose too.

Mapman, you are right. It is like very bad science fiction. Get a load of the pictures posted with the flying saucer tweak. Looks suspiciously like the Jupiter 2 doesn't it? The monsters in rubber suits can't be far behind. I can picture the ad now. Place the rubber suit of the monster from Alpha Centauri in any room in your house except your listening room. If you have it in the room you listen in you may end up scared and ruin your mind matter interaction. The more rooms you place them in, the smoother your highs will be and your soundstage will really open up. Your jaw will drop when you hear the difference. They can be yours for the low low price of $299 each. Made up testimonials available upon request.
Use the clickable link from Mapman's post on 3/4/13. It should be clear to you then. You may still feel ronery after watching it.