Magnapan 3.5R and Sunfire Subwoofer ???

Looking for anyone who has paired magnapan speakers with a sunfire subwofer. Any thoughts on how these two products work together would be much appreciated. I am using an all tube conrad-johnson system.
I am using a stero pair of Sunfire Signature subs with my MG 3.5s. The blend is seamless. You need to move the subs away from room boundries and try to be easy on the volume control. In terms of scale, punch, dynamics and refinement the system approximates the performance of the ultra expensive full range systems.

Contrary to some opinions on these threads, properly positioned and configured sunfire subs are excellent complements to the Maggies. I am extremely happy with the results that I have obtained with the stereo subs.



Remember that the controls are very sensitive, Minute changes in the phase and volume adjustment knobs make noticeable changes in the sound.

Use the lowest x-over setting (about 30Hz)

Use volume control no greater than 7-8 O'Clock

Adjust phase until the muddiness in the midbass disappears, and the air returns

Depending on room size, place subs on inside of panels (if room is narrow) or on ouside of panels (if room is sufficiently wide). You can experiment with placing the subs in the plane of the speaker

place the active woofer facing the listening position
If you are using a single sunfire sub. Place the sub midway between the speakers

Depending on your room, you can place the sub either in the same plane as the panels or behing the plane of the panels.

I first experimented with a single sub and upgraded to stereo subs.
I use 2 Sunfire Sigs with my 3.6's. I chose them because I liked their sound and the controls they give you to help integrate. Their x/o starts at 30hz which helps blend with the Maggies starting to roll off 35hz,+ or -. Their phase control is continuously variable as opposed to a 0-180 switch, which will help with the placement. Read Sogood51's article, thanks Dave, and memorize Gmorris's reply and you will be ahead of the game. Good luck.
Excellent article and advice - just so happens my dealer will let me try the sunfire sub in my listening room before making a purchase. One additional question - what hookup method are you using? I looked at the info from the manual and it looks like you can connect either high or low level. I'm quessing low level is the way to go - my cj premier 16LS has two sets of outputs - one currently connected to my amps - could I just use the other set to connect to the sub?
Thanks again for all the info ----