Mark at Rogue Audio

I want to relay an awesome experience I had with Mark O'Brien, the head of Rogue Audio, the other day.

The hurricane had me working from home. I powered up my Rogue M180's and one of the tubes wouldn't hold bias - it was jumping all over. Assuming it was a bum tube, I replaced it with 2 others, both new, and those would not hold bias either.

Disgruntled, I emailed Rogue to explain the situation. My phone rang an hour later: it was Mark offering to help. He had me up and running in 10 minutes. Turns out that tube's fuse clip had loosened, so he had me remove the fuse and "crimp" the arms together with my fingers, then replace the tube. Voila!

An absolutely GREAT guy, who really cares about his customers (and his gear)!


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As a Rogue dealer, I agree with you guys 100%. Excellent people, excellent company and excellent products!

Mark and Nick go out of their way to make sure customers are helped and happy.