mark levinson 360s

hi, as of today, is this mark levinson 360s dac still a good choice to buy. How is the sound? Any information or suggestion will help. Thks
I have switched a lot of equipment out but my 360s remains. It fit my system perfectly. I too had it matched with a No 37 and loved that combo but the 37 bit the dust. I replaced it with a Wadia 23 (transport mode) and the system has worked flawlessly. I will eventually pickup rebuilt 37 just for the match. I have done side by side comparisons with several cheaper DACs (Emotiva, Music Hall, X-DAC) and it was no contest. I also compared it to the Wadia 23 CDP and I had a Krell KPS-20 for about a year ... it was a cut above anything I tried. I now have the computer feeding directly into the coax input and it sounds fantastic. The Wadia is hooked in via the AES/EBU digital output.

Six years and it still works flawlessly...

I have run Redbook, standard FLAC files and HD FLAC Tracks into it, with never an issue. The 24/96 tracks are about as good as digital gets. I confess I went back to vinyl so the digital set hasn’t been played as much but I just downloaded the new Donald Fagen (Morf the Cat) 24/96 and I have a bottle of red wine for this evening. They don’t show up as often anymore but as far as I am concerned, they are worth the $3000+ price tag they seem to command.
I wouldn't know what to replace mine with, if and when that day ever happens... My 360s is the heart of a current day digital setup. USB from the Mac Mini feeds into a M2tech Evo, which in turn uses the ST glass connection on the Levinson. Internet radio from the old Roku Sound bridge uses the RCA input. The 37 transport uses the XLR connection and the tv (cable, ATV, Bluray) use the 75 ohm coax.... And it handles resolution up to 24/96. Like i said, I wouldn't know what to replace mine with... And yes it does have a vinyl like quality IMHO.
i always felt this was a very analog-sounding piece when i used it with the matching #37 transport. in fact even after having moved on with EMM labs,
i still feel there is a bit of "soul" missing that i "used" to hear (IMO of course).
it also has every I/O connection on the rear panel you could ask for.