Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?

I have owned new and old Mcintosh and loved my experiences with the product. Right now I have a MC-162 in my system and it sounds great! Very transparent and not too anylitical or fatiguing. It seems that everyone has such strong opinions about different Mcintosh products good and bad. I have had all positive experiences. I would like for people to share their opinions and experiences good and bad.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I have stuck with McIntosh over the years because of their
integrity. They do their homework, they treat their customers
well, they stand behind their product, even really old items.
Moreover, if autotransformers did not improve or enable their
amplifiers to sound good, McIntosh would drop them instantly.
They are not in the "iron and steel" business, as some sales
reps like to say disparagingly. I have found that Mac amps
can drive a wider range of speakers than most amplifiers and
can hold up when interfaced with difficult loads. There are
other good amps on the market, but overall, Mac is a
unique and reliable and excellent sounding product.,,,C. Miller
mint must be an idiot to buy something he hates so much 12 times, or just bitter about something, I am sure tht it is one of the 2
I kept buying tube Mac to find out what all the big "stink" from tube freaks about these sounding fantastic. It actually took 12 Mac tube items to find out the truth,it wqs ALL terrable. ALL Mac is owned by nearly deaf morons like Chaldnliz, every long term user of Mac tube gear that I have met wears hearing aids. Chaldniz SYSTEM (click it on) must be the worst sounding in the world, only an idiot would spend hard earned money the brands he listens to, he must have believed all the idiots that sold him his crud.
atleast it didnt take me 12 times to like my sound, wear a helmet and try not to lick the windows on the short bus
MINT604,bite me you pinhead,ive tried a ton of other gear & im not deaf,anybody who makes a statement like the one you just made must be a moron,before you go around with your chest all puffed out running down another guys rig you better post some pics of your gear first.

ok i feel better now! on to the point,your mistake with mac gear was buying all vintage gear i mean get real,how can anybody expect gear with 60 year old caps to hold its own against modern gear,try getting some modern mac gear & doing a side by side with the gear your currently running then make an informed statement.
