Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Dear Fm login: +++++ " I do not look for “best quality performance of any cartridge” – I know what I get, I know what efforts requires to get what might be gotten from sound, I know what kind reimbursement I get for my efforts " +++++

I know too but I'm a little on the near " perfection " path on that cartridge quality performance subject and that's why I go through a different path that you go, IMHO nothing wrong with that: a different approach, that's all.

Yes is evolutionary and my target is to have several/different cartridges mounted at the same time in the same tonearm design.

About your tip I totally agree with, this subject is something that till today I try to " support " and made/make advise on it. Good to hear that there are people that agree on this over-stimated TT subject.

Regards and enjoy the music,
**** Fm_login when you went from two to one TT and 6 to 4 arms was that upgrade or had you decided what arms/carts are best for you? In your opinion do you gain most analog experimentation from step-up/phono?

My setup is openly-known and my evolution with it publicly narrated. My latest evolutionally position that “an ultimate” turntable must have 3 arms/needles: one reference stereo, one reference mono and one “second type” stereo for dally use. I do comment about the specifics of the arms/carts/step-up/phono. Sure, I perfectly understand that it might be use from more arms/carts but there is celebration of result and there is a self-glorification of means to get the result. I very much know the difference. I have a few 5000, arms and cartridges that are sitting as a dead ballast in my storage – I probably need to get rid all of them. I wish people do not ask pictures when they buy audio as to lift those Micro tables is do dams difficult….
Fm_login, yes long ways to result deserve self-congratulation, Ive read but SU2 cannot be bought and SU1 cannot be found so what else you recommend. Have you tried Shelter phono with 901?
Axel, I see you are a real expert in a very special kind of music. I would never laugh on your great remarks but it fires my imagination and I am trying visualizing how you exercise in front of your bamboo hut shouldering your arms and protecting against wild animals... Am I wrong?
I think, Fm_login speaks lot of truth!

You can't change 'intrinsic' sound of a given TT a whole lot. Agree 100%
Multiple tone-arms/cartridge combos, while it is cool to have, can't necessarily give you best sound that 'you' desire or what your perception of best sound is.
You would have may be one or two combo/sources that meets your mental 'picture' of perfect sound. That you will always go back to when you really want to listen to music. The others are just toys that offer you variety and something to talk about. Sure they helped you arrive at your perfect sound forever, but after that they are useless show/bragging-rights pieces. I, too have some of those.

The comment regarding 'asian' sound is curious and thought provoking for sure. I guess all the components, depending upon where they 'come' from have their signature quality.

It is indeed stroke of luck if you hit a jackpot when a system just clicks ( to your ideal of perfect sound) without having to do any 'external tweak' of addition. But where is the fun in that?