Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Fm_login when you went from two to one TT and 6 to 4 arms was that upgrade or had you decided what arms/carts are best for you? In your opinion do you gain most analog experimentation from step-up/phono?
Dear Fm login: +++++ " I do not look for “best quality performance of any cartridge” – I know what I get, I know what efforts requires to get what might be gotten from sound, I know what kind reimbursement I get for my efforts " +++++

I know too but I'm a little on the near " perfection " path on that cartridge quality performance subject and that's why I go through a different path that you go, IMHO nothing wrong with that: a different approach, that's all.

Yes is evolutionary and my target is to have several/different cartridges mounted at the same time in the same tonearm design.

About your tip I totally agree with, this subject is something that till today I try to " support " and made/make advise on it. Good to hear that there are people that agree on this over-stimated TT subject.

Regards and enjoy the music,
**** Fm_login when you went from two to one TT and 6 to 4 arms was that upgrade or had you decided what arms/carts are best for you? In your opinion do you gain most analog experimentation from step-up/phono?

My setup is openly-known and my evolution with it publicly narrated. My latest evolutionally position that “an ultimate” turntable must have 3 arms/needles: one reference stereo, one reference mono and one “second type” stereo for dally use. I do comment about the specifics of the arms/carts/step-up/phono. Sure, I perfectly understand that it might be use from more arms/carts but there is celebration of result and there is a self-glorification of means to get the result. I very much know the difference. I have a few 5000, arms and cartridges that are sitting as a dead ballast in my storage – I probably need to get rid all of them. I wish people do not ask pictures when they buy audio as to lift those Micro tables is do dams difficult….
Fm_login, yes long ways to result deserve self-congratulation, Ive read but SU2 cannot be bought and SU1 cannot be found so what else you recommend. Have you tried Shelter phono with 901?
Axel, I see you are a real expert in a very special kind of music. I would never laugh on your great remarks but it fires my imagination and I am trying visualizing how you exercise in front of your bamboo hut shouldering your arms and protecting against wild animals... Am I wrong?