Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?

I recently auditioned a pair of Harbeth SHL5's and Sendor S8's and was really impressed with the mids on both of these speakers. I was wondering if folks out there who have first hand experience could recommend other speakers that equal or surpass these two in the midrange. Thank you.
Hi, I had the SHL5's with the Tenor Hybrid amp for several months and thought it was great. I have had other Harbeth speakers in various systems so I am pretty familiar with the sound. You will get a lot of recommendations for different speakers, but you can get a nice used pair of the Harbeths for less than $3000.00. If you put them out into the room and away from the walls, they are a tough speaker to beat.
Great choices both. I do have first-hand experience. Take a look at FJ (limited distribution channel-made in Germany) and ATC (UK).
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Have heard neither, see if you can audition the Mark and Daniels Rubys, they crossover at 900HZ and have a ribbon tweeter. They cover the full range like real instruments and vocals IMHO