
A quick question. I bought the mintlp for my Scout but due to work and the holidays I haven't had time to work with it yet. Tonight I put it on the spindle and set the needle down just to see what I was dealing with. I clearly see about a 5 degree counterclockwise difference, maybe more, from what the mintlp says I should have and what it's set at now. I see this looking at the lines on the mintlp and comparing that to the front edge of the cartridge body. Would that be considered a huge difference?
My plans are to set aside a couple of hours this weekend to set it up correctly. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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Showing 1 response by swampwalker

It is ASSUMING the cantilever is square to the front of the cart body. The beauty of the mint is that it allow you to align relative to the cantilever not the body. Also you need to get the cantilever square AFTER getting the overhang correct along the entire arc. Its not as simple as just aligning the cantilever square to the grid lines.