ModWright Oppo 105D Tubes To Chill Out 2kHz-8kHz

Hi All,

I’m looking for tube suggestions for my ModWright Oppo 105D that will keep the detail but mellow the tone of 2kHz-8kHz.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbrettmcee
but in the meantime, I will be listening to the second harmonic of key # 87...

almost right at 8k
how did you hone in on 2-8 khz?

i have only two trusted sources for tested tubes..

Andy at Vintage Tube for non Russian

Roger at RAM for everything...

probably two of the most knowledgeable and reputable testers, backers and sellers. Roger in particular ascomputerized his proprietary test parameters...consults to tube manufacturers, builds his own line of tue gear ( music reference )......

just looked over this rather extensive What does Dan recommend ????
my guess is might benefit from dampers ( i like ARC ), and seperate HRS bases for each box, likely a damper block on the 105.... and certainly experimenting with a dedicated circuit /  condtioning....

i would start w output, work backwards....

have fun...