Monitors for a Music Hall Trio?

I'm assembling a small system with a Music Hall Trio (50WPC) as the center. I need suggestions for a pair of efficient monitors; I plan on adding a powered sub too...but that is at the end of my decision list. My preference is for a speaker that is, or has the appearance of, wood. Thanks in advance for your help!

Showing 4 responses by mdrummer01

Grinnell and Mechans: Thanks, off to a good start. This system is for my 80+ (Super Senior) father. Trying to keep it simple but a few notches above the RCA fold-down turntable of his I trashed in the 60s. I see a pair Triangle Stella ES, 90db efficient, here on the 'Gon at a very reasonable price. Just may be the ticket. Small is helpful he may be moving into smaller quarters in the not-to-distant future. Keep them ideas comin'...
Celtic66: I am familiar with Dynaudio speakers and their sonics are amongst the best of the bunch out there. My concern is having enough power to drive them. With the MH Trio's power at 50WPC and the Dynaudio 42 sensitivity at 86db...would they have enough juice to sing?
Search is over. I went with the Triangle Stellas. At 90db I thought I better grab them. Thanks for your input! Off to find a sub...
Best, Steve
We're talking a generic...not home theatre specs...small reasonably priced sub. Maybe a small KEF?