More power for my Duos?

Not completely satisfied with my Wavelength Venus 45s driving the Duos.
Kind of on the lean side. Great with vocals but somehow weak with big orchestras. I have tried different tubes, NOS, Vaic and TJ’s. Maybe Avangardes boss is right. Needs 10 to 20 watts. Anybody has experience with Jotas, Wavelength Cardinals and Wyetech Saphires, 300Bs with the Avangardes?
I have a pair of Duos at home (paired with Tron Meteor and Quad IIs). The Duos are so efficient, you don't need more than 4-5 watts. However, whatever you use must be quiet and good as the Duos are very revealing. I have heard the Duos with the Tron PX25s (5 watts) - sublime. I agree with Ejlif - play around with positioning and subwoofer setup. that's crucial. Mine were set up at home by Graham Tricker from GT Audio (UK distributor for Avantgarde and manufacturer of Tron amplifiers) - that's part of his service in the sale price.
In my room (35 x 20 feet - 12 foot ceilings), the subwoofer crossover freq is set at 170 and the volume at the 12.30 clock position.

I didnot say the duos did not sound very good, I was merely indicating that it has some of the typical traits of horn speakers. One of these there is an overall 'sketchy' feel to its presentation. A lightnesss and speed that is common more or less in many horn designs but probably less so in the Avantgardes. I have played around with the duo set up plenty hence the advice regarding supports to give the musicians more body and warmth.

Ultimately compared to the hyperions their faults become obvious, especially in the region of musicality, clarity, transparency and bass. Read comparisons steve rochlin makes with his reference avantgardes with other speakers, on enjoythemusic especially when he compares it to the Galante rhapsody at a fraction of the price. I have heard the duos and trios in various settings and the sound is characteristic, a lightnesss of touch which takes them away from a truely realistic reproduction.

They were one of the best speakers in the world a few years ago, but I now have evidence that they are being overtaken by several of the price breaking newcomers.Only when directly compared with these in ones own set up can the weaknesses truely become apparent.

There is a German DIY site which tries to address this one failing with the Avantgardes. They inform us that the metallic carriers for the horns can be filled with deflex material and the crossovers upgraded with warmer sounding Jensen Caps. I have not tried these yet, but even if this did improve the sound, the subwoofers still need an awful lot of work to get to sound anywhere near as good as a passive integrated one. Having to use solid state amplification in the actives is certainly degrading in my opinion, and judging by the very poor quality of the supplied cables I would be suspicious about the amount of thought that went into the design of the subwoofer.

In my exprience the difference between amplifiers can be considered minimal when compared with the differences between speakers. Hence the advice to the original author of this thread.

This may be a dumb question, but if horns are sketchy at reproducing the clarity, transparency and musicality of a recording, then why are they used at every live performance? Or in movie theaters? I'm not asking this as a challenge. I really don't know the answer. I just know that I've not heard any speaker match the immediacy of a horn.
Thanks in advance for the education.

In a nutshell it sounds like you were saying the Duos don't sound good, which is fine. I don't think they sound lean, in fact they can have as much weight as you want with the controls. Obviously these speakers have their weakness which is the bass and integration. So far I'm not as bothered by it as some. It's the dynamics and the ability to connect to the music as in a live acoustic event that makes the horns awesome. I've not heard a box speaker that can match the horns for dynamics and that is where the energy and excitment comes from. Those Hyperions must be something worth checking out if they can match the Duos for dynamics.
Hi Ejlif and Boa a

Once again may I please reiterate that the duos are excellent speakers, as I have mentioned on each of my two threads I have lived with them for over two years. I was bowlled over by their astonishing dynamics macro and micro,the detail that comes with this and their looks. But I was always well aware of the bass deficiencies,and that does not just mean their integration with the rest of the sound spectrum, but of the individual notes. In order to get a full single note with a start a clearly evident middle bit with the final section that by the rules of physics should tail off (in volume with changing harmonics) unless the bass player decides to turn off the microphone suddenly or suppress the plucked string with the side of his hand. I indeed wanted to get all of this. I told you the wiring used internally and externally with the subwoofers are were very poor, I substtituted them with far higher quality ones, and i squeezed better but not dramatic performance from them.
I finally added two further active rel subwoofers with minimal volume setting and cut off at 22hz. And yes it adddd to the soundstaging (which are not deepest or widest in the world by a significant margin) and solidity of the imaging.

The term sketchy is there to describe that painting a musical event can be drawn with pencil like skeletal outlines or with strong heavy thicker and more colourful brush strokes. I believe both horns do contribute to some sketching leading to a lighter touch to proceedings.

I have owned audio physic avantis with various solid state and valve amps, I was disappointment with them. Prior to these,I ownwed a pair of Harbeth 7ES, classic British company that speialises in the vocal range. The midrange just went on and on and on forever. Bass and treble however were poorly integrated and probably close to sounding average only. No other mega dollar speaker has ever matched the midrange of this speaker in my opinion, and that was a cone design.

Why does one particular show have an unusally large representation of a particular product? My theory on this is purely speculative and in no way is suppossed to accuse any manufacturer or distributer of unfair play. In my opinion this finding may be due to heavy promotion of aunit that happens to be the flavour of the month or year. Why was last years London Hifi show full of AVID turntables, or the year before that Clearaudios. The flavour of the month through initiation by in house chitter chatter or the distributer can help stimulate so much interest that all other dealers know it would be worth using the 'flavour of the month' for their show. But it does not mean it is a bad or poor product, in the case of the duo's a very good product.

All I am now saying is that I do no longer have to put up with its weaknesses, as newer and better speakers are coming out all the time. You should try reading the opinions of the on line magazines.enjoythemusic, positivefeedback and more recently 6moons. These are online hifi magazines requiring no funding, investigating all those products you might never have found out about in the mainstream magazines until they have made a name for themselves on the audio critique circle. You will be amazed at how different every reviewers speaker is. Why does a fair proportion of them use the same product as in the shows????I only know of one reviewer on Hi fi news who uses the duos, and one on stereophile, and only steve roachlin on enjoythe music out of what say 60 reviewers in total. I stand to be corrected on the actual figures as I have not investigated this thoroughly I am only using this as an illustration.Indeed best speaker of all time accolade can go to twenty different models. There are many many high quality speakers each offerring something special there is no one single winner. Unless you read widely and deeply you will never get a full picture of the soundstage its periphery or ceiling! BUT you can compare speakers and find that one may be better overall than another.

