Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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Along with the Cerious Technologies Matrix Cables I have already mentioned, I recently brought home a Linear Tube Audio 20 watt UltraLinear amp. This is a new product and I don’t think it’s even on their web site yet but it is transformative in my system.

i have owned David Berning’s ZH230 and LTA’s ZOTL40. This is superior to those fine amps top to bottom. I have never heard Berning’s 75K  211 / 845 Monoblock Amplifiers but the UltraLinear must be close.

No "satisfying" changes this year. One Seriously Questionable change: Naim CDS3 got packed and went into storage, Wadia 781i became my only spinner for both SACDs and CDs. Nakamichi LX-3 cassette deck took the place of CDS3, to make cassettes for my "barbeque boombox - Philips "The Elephant""
My BestBuy of 2017: AudioDesk CD lathe. This is a MUST for all of us who still spin silver discs instead of streaming/downloading. Shall post my "hard-core" results that Lathe/CD balancing is NOT a snake oil... in a few days... hopefully... the results are so strange that I keep double-triple-checking them "ad nauseum". 

Happy 2018, my friends!!! Be kind to each other :-)
Man!  I just realized that the only things in my system that were not changed are my speakers and universal disc player.
The most satisfying award is a tie between a Primare I32 upgrade and a $35 CD that guided me to position my speakers in a manner I would never have dreamed of. Huge improvement in sound quality!

made multiple, and highly significant upgrades this year. Ordered Soundsmith 'The voice' cartridge,  same time I ordered tubes4hifi SP14 line stage. Received cart 1st-big step up from Clearaudio Maestro. Had some bad luck  in other areas of life, which delayed getting t4hf St120 amp.  Had time to evaluate between changes. These gave me a pretty nice system.  Even at this point, instrument voices on symphonic instruments poorly discriminated, i.e. hard to tell different brass instruments apart, etc.  Phono stage thru this period was Moon 5.3.; spent lot of effort researching, bought a B-stock Whest 30RDT Special Edition.  2nd disc I played was Sibelius; blew me away.  James told me 30RDT would suffice with my turntable, but I bought "My Last Phono Stage'.  This took me to, for me, Audio nirvana.  Not the last word,  but have no smearing, is smooth and even, gorgeous tone, timing, (Avid tt) the Whest shows the drive.  Every album has at least improved clarity and more air/space.  Some things night/day difference.  Classical now enjoyable--didn't listen to much before cause it didn't sound right. Ready to just enjoy listening to it. Took all of them to get it there, but got what I wanted for sound.