Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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At the start of the year, I swapped out an ADCOM 5400 for a Jolida JD 1501P. This softened the brightness, and made my B&W`s listenable. In 2016, I discovered, that, tubes can make a difference.

Teamed a multi-bit Bifrost, with a NAD 515 CDP, which made a great improvement.

Along with the Cerious Technologies Matrix Cables I have already mentioned, I recently brought home a Linear Tube Audio 20 watt UltraLinear amp. This is a new product and I don’t think it’s even on their web site yet but it is transformative in my system.

i have owned David Berning’s ZH230 and LTA’s ZOTL40. This is superior to those fine amps top to bottom. I have never heard Berning’s 75K  211 / 845 Monoblock Amplifiers but the UltraLinear must be close.

No "satisfying" changes this year. One Seriously Questionable change: Naim CDS3 got packed and went into storage, Wadia 781i became my only spinner for both SACDs and CDs. Nakamichi LX-3 cassette deck took the place of CDS3, to make cassettes for my "barbeque boombox - Philips "The Elephant""
My BestBuy of 2017: AudioDesk CD lathe. This is a MUST for all of us who still spin silver discs instead of streaming/downloading. Shall post my "hard-core" results that Lathe/CD balancing is NOT a snake oil... in a few days... hopefully... the results are so strange that I keep double-triple-checking them "ad nauseum". 

Happy 2018, my friends!!! Be kind to each other :-)
Man!  I just realized that the only things in my system that were not changed are my speakers and universal disc player.
The most satisfying award is a tie between a Primare I32 upgrade and a $35 CD that guided me to position my speakers in a manner I would never have dreamed of. Huge improvement in sound quality!