Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable

Jeff, at Highwater Sound has said that owners of the TW Acustic Raven One turntable can experience a huge improvement in sound by replacing the Raven One motor controller with the controller from the Raven AC turntable.

Has anyone tried this? Jeff is the authority on the Raven turntables, so I am sure he is right about this. I am just curious to hear from any Raven One owners that have tried this.
Jaspert, I don't think that should be so. One of the functions of the motor controller itself is to protect the tt motor from poor quality mains supply, including ideally AC voltage instability.
You asked a pretty clear question in your original post. I'm astonished by the responses you've received based on no direct experience with the products in question. If someone actually is interested in the question, they can actually experience the comparison for themselves......It's much more fun to shoot the breeze with absolutely no real knowledge or experience.
I actually sat in Highwater Sound's listening room with Jeff Catalano. No B.S. no salesmanship....".Jim just listen for yourself." And I did. We had a Raven One first using MY OWN original motor controller playing thru his system of tubes and high efficiency speakers he demos in the HiFi Shows. We listened to a couple of cuts of music i knew well.
The ONLY thing changed was the AC motor controller was substituted for my own. The effects were clearly audible. The enitre sound field grew larger and the leading edges of the notes wer better articulated. This improved the rhythm and timing.
I then took Jeff's AC controller home to my own system and experienced the EXACT SAME changes I appreciated in his listening room.
So there it is. A well constructed comparison duplicated in two highly resolving but different systems.
Hopefully this will diminish the "forum noise" on this topic.
I'm not going to editorialize as to whether thee were monumental of minor changes. That's all personal opinion. I've tried to objectively report my findings.
All the best,
Thank you very much Jim! Finally someone who has actually experienced listening to both controllers. Thank you for letting me know your findings. Dev, you have a point about my post. Posting on Audiogon these days is like being on the witness stand in a trial. You have to watch everything you say or the wolves will attack. I can remember when people really tried to help each other . These days they just say you are stupid for liking this product or that brand of equipment.


that's great you had such an experience but what's with the tone of your post. I don't want to get into a debate but if you read the opening post of Slowhand there is allot more to it than you are implying.

Slowhand, in general for what ever reason I find allot of threads in general take on this tone as you wrote;

"wolves will attack" and "These days they just say you are stupid for liking this product or that brand of equipment."

if you are going to post be prepared but that's life. I wouldn't take it personally, most haven't owned and are just trolling and babbling away.

At the same time there are allot of great individuals providing info. to assist.

Personaly I like to try to be as open minded and subjective as possible.

If you have read any of my past threads you would be aware I originally wanted to buy a Black Knight but decided to get my feet wet first and purchased a Raven One, then purchased a AC3 and I actually did the controller swap, also swapped out trying different motors (amount being used) with the AC3 again noticing differences and now as I've already wrote above I'm a proud owner of the Black Knight and loven it.

For me, I know I'm repeating myself but was just currious with what the heck is going on and if anyone knew, wouldn't you and any others?

Pick your poision, which ever it may be and ENJOY!