My Mark Levinson system help

I own a 335 a 38 a theta miles & a pair of martin logan sl3s. I want to buy the 39 would my system sound better running the 39 direct into the 335. Or should I keep the 38 with the 39. Email me with any input thanks I think the 39 direct is the way to go..

Showing 3 responses by lev335

Thank you for the input. I disagree with paul the wadia gear is good but not as sweet sounding as the 39. The sony doesnt even compare to the levinson it sounds great when you put a sacd in but when you put a regular cd in its a sony.come on thats a no brainer. as far as the goldmund I never tried but I hear the levinson is better. MY QUESTION IS WILL MY SYSTEM SOUND BETTER WITH JUST THE 39 OR SHOULD I RUN THE 39 DIRECT????? From what I understand is once you own the 39 you are at the point of diminishing returns. Adn I hear the 39 is much better than my Theta Miles? Is it??
Thanks for all the feedback except for Pauls nonsense. Wadia lol lol. keep it coming guys
I will thank everyone once again. as far as me being levinson minded as someone put it. well maybe its true but remember I have been through all the gear these people are claiming to be better. so that makes me wrong. no. I unlike other people finally found equipment that Iam happy with. MY QUESTION WAS KEEP THE 38 WITH THE 39 OR DUMP IT. DOES IT SOUND BETTER DIRECT.? And I have heard the 39 in the store and it was far from uninvolving. Thanks to all the good advice.