My wife is so uncool!

My soon to be exwife was such a loser she refused to aknowledge the existence of imaging and soundstage just to be a wench. (My friends did). She kept saying "NO" with an attitude and pointed to the speaker saying "it came from there". And she kept bugging me to move my system to another room. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I should have never tried to share my hobby with her. Now she's pregnant with some guys baby and butt poor. HEH HEH. Good riddens. So come on guys lets here your stories she won't see this. And we won't tell her we're all buddies here. You know you want to.
Tml2 - Your advice worked. My wife is losing some of her fear of the new stereo and is using it on her own when I am out - getting involved. A couple of days ago she mentioned that some of her CD's sounded kind of "tinny". I asked her to play some of the cuts that did not sound right, and they turned out to be funky recording/engineering jobs. I explained to her that when we switched to silver cables we better defined both the good and the bad on some of the recordings, and that I am still doing a balancing act trying to get the sound to it's best on the majority of our source material. "We" just purchased a used pair of Harmonic Tech. Truth Link cables for a change of pace. I think that I will leave all three pairs of the interconnects hanging from the aux. inputs and show her how to switch them on the source. It just takes a few seconds to switch them, probably less time than farting around with tone controls or an equalizer. Remember those?
My wife told the UPS guy she was going to divorce me last time he came by unexpectedly. She says she didnt mean it, but who can be sure. She likes the way the new speaker stands look (Atacama N70,great for small speakers and inexspesive)so I think Im ok. By the way Sedond, what up with all the *stars*?
My wife worked with me in the Audio business for over 10 year. She enjoys the hobby as much as I do.
hi blkadr, the stars are yust for emphasis - this medium being so impersonal-n-all... regards, doug.
My wife says she con't hear the difference, but when she stops and listens she really likes what I've bben doing in terms of upgrades. In terms of $, she has her job and checking account, and I have mine. Sometimes I hate it, but when it comes to buying audio gear or golf trips, it works out great.
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