NAD M50.2

To anyone who has heard the NAD M50.2, how does it compare in sound to other music servers, such as those more expensive from Aurender, etc?

Showing 7 responses by imgoodwithtools

Hi audiotroy. I don't know exactly what I want. I do not need a DAC. I have a Berkeley Alpha Reference 2 that I Love. The NAD intrigues me both because it seems simple to operate, and that I can easily rip my CDs to its hard drive. Is 2TB enough? I have about 4000 CDs but probably wouldn't rip them all. Once on the NAD, how easily can the digital files be moved off? And I do question the build quality, based on ejr1953s experience. I am also intrigued by the Aurender N10. But I am Not a computer guru, and I don't know how to easily get my CDs on the Aurender. I plan to mainly play CDs, or files of them, and also some high res. downloads. I won't stream music much, if at all. Thoughts?
I know this is a tough or unanswerable question since you bought the NAD, but do you suspect the sound quality is as good, as say, Aurender through a great DAC? 
And I am pretty computer illiterate when it comes to computers in audio systems, but once CDs are ripped to the NAD, is it easy to move them off?
Thanks for the info, avlee. When it comes to digital, with me, all bets are off. I used to have a PS Audio Perfectwave transport. It supposedly took data off the CD numerous times, and dumped that data into a buffer. So, in theory, the data should be "perfect". I just auditioned the new PS Audio Directstream transport. No contest. The Directstream kills the Perfectwave. Why? Clocking errors or clocking precision? I don't know. It also sounds different moving from AES/EBU to coaxial. It even sounds different swapping between different brand digital interconnects. Why? I don't know.
Hi avlee,

I don't want to blow up this thread by jumping off topic, because I truly am interested in the 50.2.

But let me say this, I currently have my Perfectwave transport sitting one shelf directly above the Directstream transport. All I have to do is swap one end of a digital AES/EBU and I can compare transports. They Do Not sound the same. Not even close.
And starting another cable debate seems fruitless, but I offer that Anyone could hear the differences between a Fururech Digiflux and an Audioquest Diamond digital cable. They are like night and day.
And for who is interested, PS Audio is offering a trade-in program for cash credit toward a Directstream transport. My Perfectwave is headed to Colorado as a trade-in next week.
I'm not an electronics engineer, so don't crucify me, Ok? Lol

But, from what I understand, CDs are PCM data, pulse code modulation. So the PCM datastream is not only digital steps, but also sampled at uniform intervals. Therefore the data must also include a clock somewhere. Even if the data itself is identical, the sampling timing is also critical.

I suspect, but can not prove, that its the clock or the timing that's responsible for the difference in sound between different units. I have three transports here, a PS Audio Perfectwave, a PS Audio Directstream, and an Esoteric K-03X, which can be used as a transport. The three units all sound different when feeding the exact same rest of the system. Which led me to wonder if the NAD might sound differently than, say, an Aurender playing the exact same rips or data.

PS Audio, on their website, states the betterment of sound from the Directstream over the Perfectwave is a result of better data timing, due to an improved memory buffer, and an ultra-low jitter fixed clock.

I also suspect its that timing aspect that results in different sound from different digital interconnects. Some are better at not messing up the timing than others.
I just returned from Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver. Great experience. Unfortunately, the NAD room didn't have a 50.2 on display.

I spoke with the Aurender folks and they said they would have a new transport/memory device available within 6 months specifically for ripping CDs to an Aurender digital player. 

With this relatively new territory including MQA with streamers, etc, I think I will spin CDs for another 6 months or a year, and see what's on the market then.