Nakamichi 582 issues

I have a Nak 582 that I have had for many years. Sat in its box for 30 + years.

Took it out to see if it still worked, and everything seems to function except it will not go into playback mode. The heads try to move into postition, but then stall. I have a hard copy service manual, but boy the mechanicals on this thing are complex. Looks like there is a cam mechanism that moves the head assembly into position, but beyond that I'm stumped. Is there a simple belt drive that needs replacement?

Is this deck worth trying to fix? Does anyone listen to cassette tapes any longer?

Showing 1 response by tonykay

Most Nakamichi decks are worth fixing if you want sound that is, if not more accurate, at least more pleasant than CDs. My best advice is not to try and fix it yourself but have a Nak expert go through it and make any necessary repairs. It can actually sound better than new. I recommend He has worked on my three decks and all sound great. He has the tools and experience you need. Oh, and yes, many people still listen to cassettes but be prepared to be critized if you admit it on this forum.