Nature of the current used speaker market

What do you think of the current market for used speakers above the $6,000 price point?  It seems to me like the market is soft, really soft, since I keep seeing the same speakers posted for sale over and over again by the same seller.  And these are top flight speakers from solid manufacturers such as Focal, B&W, Rockport, Sonus Faber, etc.  Does this mean the number of audiophiles and audio enthusiasts is on the wane, or is there just a glut of used speakers for sale out there? 

Showing 1 response by notesaddict

IMO the demographics for high end goods is not promising. As an avid reader of Audiogon I get the distinct impression the majority of participants are retirees. I don’t see the generations following ours as buyers of 5 foot towers or 70 lb monoblocks. When I entered the market over 50 years ago everything was big, now the opposite is true. An idle thought.