Nature of the current used speaker market

What do you think of the current market for used speakers above the $6,000 price point?  It seems to me like the market is soft, really soft, since I keep seeing the same speakers posted for sale over and over again by the same seller.  And these are top flight speakers from solid manufacturers such as Focal, B&W, Rockport, Sonus Faber, etc.  Does this mean the number of audiophiles and audio enthusiasts is on the wane, or is there just a glut of used speakers for sale out there? 

Showing 1 response by ohlala

I remember the used market being a cheap, nominal listing fee and being able to find almost anything one wanted in a short time period. Used market prices were stable. Now is there is next to nothing, and ads are commonly filled with items with frustratingly high asking prices. And those ads sit there for a long time. Maybe sellers, which are largely professional, are waiting for a break in sanity of weak willed buyer. I don't know. I am writing this because I just saw an item at a reasonable price. I was interested until it was described as partially broken. Ugh. When something reasonable does come along, one has to be prepared to act fast.