Need Help finding Speakers Budget 20,000 US

Hi All

Firstly let me give my room Specification:

8 Meters by 8 Meters. Height of the room is 3.2 Meters.

Acoustic Panels everywhere around the room. Its pretty dead.


Clayton M300 Mono Blocks
Bob Carver Black Beauty

Purity Audio Ultra 2 Series
DAC (Need to get one)
CD Player Oppo 95 Modified.

Budget 20,000 US.

I don’t live in USA so difficult to try out some of the US brands.

I am interested in:

Salk Sound Scape 12
Tannoy Kingdom Royal
B&W 800 or 802 N
Evolution Acoustics not sure which model as the company never responds to emails nor does there dealers.
Daedalus Audio

Any other recommendation to go by?

I listen to Allot of Movie Sound Tracks, Classical Epic Music, Sometimes Pop Rock And hip hop. Down tempo, Chill out and Jazz.

Showing 2 responses by luvs2listen

Dragon Vibe, I'm associated with Vapor Audio and if you want full range sound with unlimited dynamic capacity in a gorgeous cabinet, have a look at this.
Nice point there Peter. Assuming that the big guys offer more/better technology, better R&D, better quality, is really an unfounded generality.

We offer arguably the best woofer on the planet in the Nimbus that John Atkinson found to be one of his favorites at the Newport Beach Audio show. We offer arguably the best tweeter on the planet in the RAAL 70-20XR. And as we discovered through actual measurements in the room from Steve Nugent's calibrated mic and ARTA, the flattest response he's ever measured in a room at a show, with no speaker EQ at all.

Where would guys like Salk Sound, Zu, Tyler Acoustics, etc., be if everyone went with the "big guys" over and over? Where would the innovation be if there were no little guys nipping at the heels of the big guys?

There are plenty of great companies not bound by the structures of a corporate philosophy that stifles innovation. The smaller companies can work with the buyer to develop a more custom approach to fit their desires. And because they don't spend gobs of money advertising and supporting a large dealer network, in many cases, they can offer much more value for the money than the B&Ws and Tannoy's of the world.