Need interconnects for new cd player

Hi, I recently purchase a Sony CDP-XA20ES to replace my beloved NAD 5355. Now I'm looking to upgrade my interconnects. Right now I have Monster Cable Studiolink 500 all around. What are some good cable that will match my cd player? Thanks

Showing 1 response by 55dok

Depends on your electronics, speakers and budget. If you use solid state electronics and have some treble glare try Silent audio Apollo C copper RCA interconnects, if you use tubes you might try their Apollo A silver RCA interconnects. Element cable twisted pair is also a good cable at a fair price but I find Silent Audio's have a quieter background. These cables are low priced on auction & audiogon listings and you will have to spend much much more to get better sound. If money is no object try K-works custom made RCA interconnects or check the reviews for Kubala Sosna and other well received high priced offerings.