Need Preamp and Amp to Match Vandersteen 3A Signature Speakers

I am a neophyte at hifi.   Just bought a pair of Vandersteen 3A signature speakers to replace the JBL l150A speakers that I had for years..   I want to replace the Parasound A23 amp and the Parasound P5 preamp that I currently have with something that will make the Vandersteen speakers perform at their best.     I would like to get a Class A or A/B amp.   I listen to a lot of rock and jazz.   My room is about 16' x 16'.   Can anyone give me some advice what preamp and amp would work best with these speakers.   There is so much info out there and it is very confusing.  I like a rich full sound, not harsh on the high notes.  Also like a rich, well defined base.    Thanks for any advice you can give me!!!
What is your budget? You can get really nice gear at $3000, but much better at $6000. Also whichever amp/preamp you buy placement on the 3a will really make a huge difference in sound. I have the 2CE Sig II and they are very nice speakers indeed!
I have the same speakers paired with an Ayre K5xe(mp) preamp and Ayre VX5xe amp.  Great, great combo.  

I can vouch for Johnny Rutan's ability to build systems, so he's definitely worth contacting--especially if you are in the NJ area and can visit his shop (Audio Connection).

We used a set of Vandersteen 3As in our room at CES many years ago; Richard Vandersteen commented that our room sounded considerably better than his. We were using our M-60 amplifiers, which are tube amps. So I can safely say that the speakers are easily driven with tubes and that might be an option to consider.
Another option, which I am in home auditioning right now, is the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Preamp and M700 monoblock ensemble, which can be purchased new for $2799 with a $1200 trade-in against the $3999 package price. I already have the Preamp and have been running it for a week through balanced inputs on my Manley NEO250 monoblocks. This preamp lives up to its name and sounds wonderful. My Wyred4Sound DAC2SE with femto clock is being traded in against this combo. The amps will arrive Tuesday and I can’t wait to try them out. I have been holding off on Class D amplification for the system for years but from what I’ve read recently it seems the implementation may have crossed the sonic threshold of my requirements. We’ll see. 30 day in-home trial can’t be beat; trade in shipment not expected until after the trial has completed. This is the way it should be done these days.
My experiences and thoughts.

Quicksilver, heard with 2ci's almost 30 years ago, unforgettable. ARC which I've heard on numerous occassions some results excellent some magical all a synergistic match with these speakers and Atmas-phere, never heard with any Steen but sounds like a good possibility depending on room size and priorities. I'm definitely a big fan of the M-60s. Threshold SA-1 all Class A, the best SS I personally heard Steens paired with. A while back for sure but still quite memorable. Personally I prefer tubes all things considered. Then there are the numerous amps both tube and SS that would work well I'm sure, Ayre is often mentioned.

Johnny Rutan, I would most like to hear you're informed opinion, all matters considered.  Bottom line, these speakers aren't a difficult load for a wide variety of amps.  
Belles would likely do well (Johnny can tell you how well), or more upmarket Aesthetix or Backert preamp+Pass amp.
Thanks everyone for your input.  I forgot to add that my total budget is $6K and I am OK with tube amps, provided the sound is warmer and less analytic.   Thanks again - it is so great to get advice from people who know what they are talking about.  It is confusing out there!!!
If these are still available from Audio Advisor, at $499. each, you can get a pair of Nuforce STA 200 amps and vertically bi amp your Vandersteens ( you can also biamp horizontally, but I prefer vertical, which is one amp per speaker ). If your sources produce 2 volts output, you can go passive ( I use a Luminous Audio Axiom Walker mod unit, which is awesome. You will have plenty of money left over for other things, cables, music, etc. And if you, or anyone else, laughs at my suggestion, it is your loss. Your money. Enjoy ! MrD.
@darmento If you don't think it's confusing in here, you haven't been here long enough.

Another recommendation then: Rogue Cronus Magnum II.
The deHavilland pre amplifiers are world beaters. Not expensive, made in USA and sold directly to people like you. The output is customized to you amplifier. 
owned 3a sig for about 8 years. Hopefully you got the massive and essential sound anchors with them and are religous about following the IMO excellent Vandersteen setup manual. I would suggest a Leica Disto laser to make your measurements easy and I also suggest downloading Vandertones and getting the analog RS SPL meter - you would be suprised how you can tune bass w data and careful placement....but they will sound great and with enough go juice rock! I ran mine w a Mc 202 amp rolled them to brother when I upgraded to 5a

his system is SOTA w Jelco, Ortofon black, ARC SP-15 into Threshold T-200 into Vandersteen 3a sig, cables are Audioquest
Hiss ervers are Aurilic, NAIM and his DAC a tube Lampizator....

sounds incredible..

i have heard 3a with Mc, Ayre, Quicksilver, PSE, Threshold 400A and T-200, Rogue and an ARC ref 75

I suspect Johnny will point you to low global feedback designs which preserve the phase and time integrity so important to Vandersteen....

have fun, enjoy the have the vaunted model 5 tweeter and mid and a muke kick low value in an affordable big speaker IMO.....
John Rutan played them for me on several occasions with different gear, but one night, we were chatting, and he played them with an Audio Research 100.2 amp. It was amazing! Ever since then, I have wanted that amp. So alive and colorful, great pace and bass control, which can be an issue with those great speakers.
McCormack amps are also known to sound good with the 3a sigs.  When I had them I drove them with a DNA-0.5 Deluxe and they sounded fantastic.
ya the Mac and the big Threshold have vise like control of that bass coupler...dial it into the sweet spot and BAMMMMMM...
There is a Belles 350 on A'gon right now that will fill the bill.  Just pick a tube preamp of your choice and the DeHavilland mentioned earlier is a good one.
what you have is not bad at all, just under powered, get the a21 250w.  
vandersteen's like tube preamps, get something with a unique house sound like conrad Johnson.  a good amp and tube preamp would be great, vandersteen's aren't hard to drive at all...…..