need turntable setup recommendation in New England

Due to some physical issues, I am unable to install a new cartridge and do a proper setup to my turntable.  I took it in the past to a local stereo shop ( to remain nameless) , but was underwhelmed by a zealous but overly confidant salesman who insisted he could do it while I waited, only to complain he did not have the right tools to set the VTA and then told me it should be fine.  I have not gone back there.

I live in suburban Boston, and would like to find someone who is capable of doing the job correctly. My TT does not have a removable headshell, but I have been experimenting with a few different carts and want to be able to rely on a proper setup each time.  Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by armstrod

+1 for Goodwins. I used to live in Waltham and went there often. They've been there for years.