New $500 "best" phono stage?

A friend said he recently read an article by Mickey Fremmer in which Fremmer said a $500 phono stage was among the best he's ever heard. But my friend couldn't recall the name of the phono stage. Anyone know what my friend is referring to? As a Plinius Jarrah owner, I had figured I'd have to spend 4 times the cost of the Jarrah (about $650) to hear something better. So a "best" $500 phono stage could be very appealing. Thanks, everyone, for your assistance.

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

Is there a nomitation for the best ear in the world?
If yes, has Michael Fremmer been so far nominated with such title?
If no, than who the hell is Michael Fremmer?
I dunno about Mr Fremmer's findings either 'cause probably He's no findings to my knowlege. But the best ear nomination always goes to YOU and no other Mickey or Malory can realy tall ya wich one is the best for $500 new.
You can add to your under or arround $500 list Trichord Delphini.