new cables from Sonus Faber...

Well mr. Serblin (with mr. Favella) after many years of cable research done it again presenting speaker and IC cables under new brand name Yter laboratorium.
The cables are silver-palladium alloy and are exactly the same used inside the Stradivari, Amati Anniversario and Guarneri Memento.
After many tests I've made I replaced my NBS Signature III speaker cables with the Yter, also tested Yter with excellent results in those loudespeakers: Amati Homage, Amati Anniversario, Cremona (floorstanding), Domus Grandpiano...the best part is they work just fine in other speaker-brands too.
I'm very satisfied from these speaker cables regarding also it's price range.

Does any other Yter users have to comment?
and this link for worldwide agoners:
I think these links could help:

As for prices check your dealers, though the prices IMHO are cool for the time being.

It would be very interesting to know views from other Yter users.