New Jersey (Southern) Club?

Anyone interested in starting a club or group in Southern NJ? I know about the "North" group as well as the PAS (Philadelphia Audio Society). Maybe something informal among a few locals to gauge interest. I am in the Moorestown, Medford, Cinnaminson area.
You know, we NJAS folks up north actually do have a lot of meetings as far south as Bordentown and Brick, so that's somewhat closer to you than you may have realized. Still, I know it is a hike, and the far southern part of the state could use a group of their own. By the way, my wife grew up in your neck of the woods, and a lot of her family lives in that area.
P mmk: I was going to e-mail you separately, but figured if others are interested they might as well see it here. Our club meets monthly, generally the 3rd Sunday of the month, usually at members' homes (it's always fun to hear a member's system and see how he/she built it) or, if a dealer is willing to host, at dealers in the area. We charge $30 annual dues, which go to defray expenses of members supplying something to eat at the meetings and costs of our annual holiday party, where we give away door prizes and other goodies. We try to vary the programs among equipment demos, some tweak/educational type meetings and music presentations; for example, in April we had BAT bring up their new integrated and preamp and make a presentation, and this month's meeting is sort of a summer picnic and will feature a blues band for which one of our members is the drummer. The club has a decent mix of music lovers, equipment afficianatos and DIY/manufacturer types, so while we can't please everyone all of the time, generally there is something to interest everyone some of the time. We also have a monthly newsletter which is sent out electronically or by hard copy to those without computers and has a variety of articles contributed by members on various topics, and a chat group online. If you're interested in knowing more you can e-mail me, and I can arrange to have the next newsletter sent to you and you can attend a meeting to see if it interests you.
Could someone please supply contact information for the Philadelphia Audio Society? I have also started a Philly thread. Thank you.
Hello Slipknot, I am also in Moorestowm. Ther are a few other guys in the area that I know of that get together on an informal basis
Is this "club" still active? If it is, I am interested. I am in the Medford area.

Please respond.


I put this question out there a while ago. There seems to be some limited interest in perhaps getting one started but nothing has happened yet. If you are interested in working with me to get one off the ground, send me an email off list and we'll see if we can get it together. I know of at least one or two others who may be interested...
I started this thread and recieved a few interested responses. Thanks. I would like to offer my home as an intoduction to getting something off the ground.

Anyone from the area who would like to get together for a couple of hours, can post here or email me off list.The idea would be to get together an one another's homes to listen to some music, talk, etc.

I offer the following dates:
Tuesday 1/21 Evening
Saturday 1/25 afternoon or evening
Tuesday 1/28 evening
Saturday 2/1 afternoon or evening
Sunday 2/2 afternoon or evening

Of course delicious adult beverages will be available ;)
Hi Phil,

Sat (2/1) or Sun (2/2) in the afternoon is good with me. Let me know what the others say. I'll also contact the others I know who are interested, and either post here, or contact you offline.

BTW -- what is the status of your latest upgrade?

Happy listening.

Still awaiting the arrival of the Scout from VPI. A two week wait has become a month, so far.. hope to get the thing in before we all get together. Otherwise, we're lookin' at an SACD/Redbook only session at first. My last communique from them was 1 to 2 weeks longer, and that was a week ago.
Is this a new unit from VPI direct? Or, an upgrade?
I thought they were supposed to be "tops" in cust sat.
Did they close for the Holidays?

ordered through dealer, but VPI is backlogged on getting them out. Huge demand, so I'm told. Dynavector cart is being set up at VPI as well. Due to CES last week, I suspect most people were there as well. Another 'Goner told me that Harry takes his sweet time with each table and sets them up right...

Re: a get together. How about 2/1 in the afternoon? With yourself and your 2 friends, we will be about five people. How does that sound? Email me off list for directions/phone #.

1musiclover, D_maver, and others interested:

We are shooting to try for a get together at my home on the afternoon of Sat 2/1...
There were four of us for this first get together. It was nice to meet you guys. Thanks for coming out. I hope we can get this going - time will tell.
Gentlemen, I have an interest in participating in the next southern NJ meeting. I'm from Vineland and don't mind taking the ride to the Marlton/Voorhees/etc. area at all. Please send me an e-mail to discuss some possibilities or further details. Thanks!
Hello: I live in North Bergen, on the northern part of New Jersey. Is there a Club for audiophiles around this parts ? Josey
Yes, The NJAS (New Jersey Audio Society). I believe AudiogoN member Rcprince is activly involved. They meet on a regular basis. You might want to contact him. A few of us here in Southern NJ got together one afternoon in Feb., but to date we have not put anything together. I am still open to doing it and very willing to host something at my house again.
Hello all.

Would still like to try and get something started down south here. I will once again offer my house and system to host a get together if folks are interested. Weekends are good as are Monday, Thursday, or possibly Friday evenings. Email me off list if you are interested.
Dear Slipknot,
Thank you for your generous offer. Due to personal obligations I would only be available on the weekends. I'm pretty close by in Haddonfield. I'm having problems with my out going e-mail so correspondence might be difficult.
Weekends are fine for me, maybe even better as the non-audio inclined in my house can find other diversions. I'm in Cinnaminson so we are close by.
to those of you who responded about trying to get together, it looks like a weekend is the best. I will get some dates lined up and we'll see what works.

If you are coming, please think about bringing some of your music with you as I thought we might give the new Music Hall Maverick 2 channel SACD/upsampling player a workout, as well as spinning some vinyl of your choice, or, whatever..
i am in souther nj voorhees. i am in the process of trying to determine if cables are a fact or a fiction. my system consist of b&w 800d's, krell 600 evolution, vpi-hrx with dynevector vx-1s and/or shelter 9000 cartridges, thor tube stage and krell pre amp. i also have a crt projector set up and surround (b&w sig)sound speaker system and krell amps, but i am interested in the cabling of the sterio portion of my system. i have a synergistic absolute referense b&w spec coming for a trial period and would be interested in other opimions. any interest?