New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):


Showing 15 responses by wig

I have used both the GC and Splash Rs and have found them to sound outstanding and will be trying the GCII soon since they have raised the bar a little higher with their latest techniques garnered from the Kronon...


Have the CTE on my list as well but what's slowing me down is the silver plated copper, just prefer the sound of copper or liquid metal...

Wig :)

That's awesome! Their cables really captures that live event and can only imagine that the sensation has been magnified with the tweaks! Definitely a bargain...

As a previous owner of both the original GC and Splash Rs, I have a pair of Ultra's being made; hard going back to traditional wire after hearing a drastic improvement over the best wire I had during that time...

I’m looking forward on receiving them and implementing into my system and added detail is always welcomed...I do have some other cables on hand that I could compare to as a reference.

@ in_shore,

That's awesome and enjoy! My Ultra's arrive on Wednesday and will get them burning-in on my CD Player for the next 2 weeks.

Received my Teo Audio Ultra's a few days ago and they are definitely better than their previous generation. I am hearing greater detail/air/subtle shading, a more developed soundstage and imaging.

I know these qualities are going to get even better as they settle into my system...

@ lak

Place them on your CD player if it's not tube based; that way you can leave your CD Player powered up 24/7 and pre-amp will put a load on the cable.

@ lak

Give them 200 hours before placing them into your system and let them settle in for a few days. You will hear the beauty of Liquid Metal immediately. Let us know what you think?


I also found Doug's doubling of SC to be spot-on, tried this 6+ years ago when I had my single wire Avalon Ascendants and the results were efficacious.

Of course, I will be trying this with my IC as well. Is there any special arrangements of interconnects when two different brands are used?



After reading some of the positive responses from users who have tried the Schroeder Method, I decided to try for myself since $51 is all I would lose if this method didn’t work in my set-up! Like many and Doug has reported, the difference in SQ is quite startling; imaging takes on a more vivid and natural sounding envelope with more color, size, depth and impact.

In fact, the first thing I noticed was the impression that dynamic range/channel separation seemed to go WAY up, no bleed over in terms of channel balance and sound-staging is rock-solid, wide and deep; you feel immersed within the performance.

I tried cables from the same brand and mixed them with other brands with no degradation in SQ or oscillation to my ears. Try it, you may find it to be worthwhile…


@ 1markr,

I listened to mine initially right out of the box and it sounded better than single cables but with some HF roll-off due to no burn-in. Placed on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker for 4 days and a dramatic difference in SQ after 3-4 days of settling into my system.


@ celander

Cables used were Verastarr Signature X2 and a pair of CH Acoustics X20 Anniversary Edition.

@ douglas_schroeder 

Thanks for sharing this discovery, it definitely aids in bringing the listener closer to the recorded event!

Based upon the positive attributes of the Schroeder Method, I can't imagine the increase in performance one could get by eliminating the adapters/1 pair of RCA's and having the manufacturer combine the cables together if the AWG size is compatible with the RCA termination.

Wig :)
@teo_ audio

Those Double Jr. looks nice and eliminating the splitters will yield better sound quality! Great Job...
