Next step up from the Sumiko FT-3

Hi all,
Subject says it all. What's a good next-step up tonearm from the Sumiko? Running a Hana SH on a VPI HW-19 Mk4. I'm comfortable with adjusting a cartridge and tonearm, though I'd rather not drill into the plinth if I don't have to.

Thank you for any idea. Budget around $1K new or used. This will be the first new/replacement tonearm I've ever installed. is it worth it?

Showing 3 responses by simao

Thanks! After a decent google search, I found it hard to find them anywhere. Oddly enough.

Still, I'm about to send off the SAMA for recalibration and the Benz for re-tipping. It's good to finally take the table apart and practice putting it back together. The Sumiko arm, I found, was drilled about 4mm too short. So I might rotate that part of the plinth around and re-drill so it's the 221.7mm distance it should be.

Or does it really matter?
I'm shipping my Benz off to get re-tipped and am keeping the FT-3 in the meantime to see how it mates with the Hana SH I got for a replacement. The Hana is 5 grams compared to the Benz's 8.8, but I think the FT-3 should handle that.

I also noticed that my FT-3 doesn't have its elevation collar. I've been adjusting VTA by moving the entire pillar with gross adjustments.