Non-edgy Shielded Silver IC Recommendation

A friend loaned me his older silver ICs. I had never used silver ICs before because I thought they might sound edgy and grainy. I was nicely surprised!

So I am thinking to replace my ICs with silver ones. Currently, I have 1m single-ended JPS Superconductor FX3 between CDP and preamp, and 1m balanced JPS Superconductor FX3 between preamp and power amp. I also have a pair of 12ft JPS Superconductor+ Petite speaker cable.

I'd like to keep the speaker cable and change the ICs to silver ones. Can you make a recommendation for me? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by tom_hankins

I have had great results with Audioquest Skys, Niagara, and Cheetahs. All solid silver, all smooth and not edgey. I use all Skys now, also from tonearm to phonostage.