NY Technician to replace capacitors

Does anyone know of a highly competent technician in the New York Metro area who can capably replace the 4 output capacitors in my Wyetech Opal preamp. I am upgrading to teflon capacitors. Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer

If you can get out to Queens you can give Scott Grammlich a call.

SG Custom Sound

40-33 235th Street
Douglaston, NY 11363



Good luck
Hi Neal

I found another tech who many members here have recommended in the past for repair of various tube gear.

Ben Jacoby

Hear LLC
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ph: (718) 377-8010


I've had direct and good experience with Scott from SG Custom Sound. I've only ready good things about Ben @ HEAR.

Good luck with search.
If you get Ben Jacoby to return an email or a phone call, let me know. I was unsuccessful after quite a number of attempts at one point last year.
I did contact Ben Jacoby and he has been very responsive.

I tried to email and call Scott at SG Custom Sound, but the email bounced back and no one returned my VM.

Will go with Ben so long as he remains responsive. In my ecperience, the good techs are just so overwhelmed with work they sometime do not respond promptly -- or at all.


Another person you may want to try is Tommy Hillis from Hudson audio. He's right across the river in Bergen county N.J.
Has anyone used Analogique in NYC? They seem to be a fairly sophistictaed operation and easier for me to drive to with equipment. Thx.

Analogique in NYC has bee around for more than 25 years. I know they do good work and are very knowllegable - You just will have to pay for that experience...
Thanks, Fin1bxn. I am willing to pay a fair price for skill and experience.

Don't know anything about Soundsmith, Fjn04.

FYI, it was a bit of a drive, but Peter Ledermann at SoundSmith in Peekskill, NY did an excellent job, with only a week's turnaround, and at very reasonable cost. He is very knowledgeable (designs cartridges and speakers) and raised a good question about the caps' values. I got lucky. Highly recommended.

peekskill for quality work and don't have to ship? I think I will have to make that drive. I have a Mcintosh pre and a musical fidelity a300 iwth both need a little sprucing up (scratchy balance and volume knobs). Maybe I can inquire about upgrades while I'm at it. Thanks for posting you thoughts, Neal.
Innovative Audio in Brooklyn, not sure about the Manhattan store, used to have a service department. Might not be cheap, but they do deal in very high end gear. When I lived in NYC they were my preferred dealer.
Innovative Audio closed their Brooklyn store several years ago. I used to visit there alot and was disappointed when they moved everything to Manhattan.
Thanks for the update, I thought they were just going to move it to another Brooklyn location.
I used  Ben Jacoby to repair my VTL and he was fantastic! I used  Analogique for a SS amp before that and they did such crappy work I had to take it back two times after picking it up! They also managed to scratch it a bit and took no blame. I would avoid.