Ode To Audio Clubs - Lunacy Loves Company

Last year, I was fortunate to stumble upon a post here that led me to ask another local guy if he ever got together w/other audiophiles in the area. That led me to a group of folks who get together regularly(every two months) and listen to each others systems. Usually, things are informal, with everyone bring music that they'd like to demo, and the host starting it off with a few demo tracks of their choosing. Occasionally, we've had a dealer or manufacturer do a demo for us, but it's pretty low key.
In addition to the larger group sessions, many of us have gathered to do component shootouts, road trips to record stores and the occasional concert.
Our group is probably no different than other A-goners who live near you. We have a WIDE variety of components, musical preferences, sonic preferences, and alcoholic beverage preferences. Everything from Mahler & single malt to Flaming Lips and tequila.
This group has challenged each other, supported each other in their quest for better sound, turned each other on to countless pieces of music, and busted chops till the day is done. We've lent each other gear, swapped tubes, and burned disks(pirates, arggh!). We've listened and interrupted, and listened some more. We've talked each other into and out of upgrades.
If you can find 10 audiophools within a 90 minute drive of where you live, you can and should make the effort. You will be rewarded in many ways...Cheers,

Showing 2 responses by dirtyragamuffin

Yes, check out Nrchy's link! The NEWAS has been great, and it started after a few of us checked the Audio Clubs section here on the 'goN. Lots of easygoing guys (plus Nrchy) with all manner of different gear, which we seem to end up trading around. I've got one of Nrchy's power cords, one of rooze's amps and powercords and still one set of his speakers cables left after trying a number of his, Lou's and Nrchy's. I've heard several very cool systems and met some cool characters. Some guys have given me stacks of vinyl. Some have stayed up until early morning hours chattering over good music and beer. Some have driven for two hours with amps, cables, and a stack of music to try in my system, and vice-versa. It's been very educational, and I never would have been hanging out regularly with other audiophiles or been exposed to all this great gear if not for the club.

I really recommend getting even an informal group in your area together, it can be very enriching!
I've been referring to them as "NEWASses" ;)

Hey, if AA can have "inmates" and AudiogoN can have "Goners" then why not NEWASses? LOL!