Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan


I just received my Oppo 95. I have a question and an observation:

How long have people found it takes before the unit is burned-in and sounding at least close to its best?

I definitely hear the fan...up to about 12 feet or so. I do have a very quiet listening environment most of the time. I'm worried, though, because I sit about 2 feet from my player! (and have to) Has anyone come up with any solutions to the fan noise? (other than putting the player a long way from the listening position, that is)

Thanks very much!

p.s. I know some say they don't hear the fan when music is playing. I understand, but it's clearly affecting the noise floor. And enjoying very subtle details, ambience, decay, etc. are very important to me.
You might be able to apply dynamat to the oppo 95 to reduce the fan noise. This product is used by car audio people often and does help to reduce noise. Easy to apply and not expensive. Good Luck
Is it the fan or resonance of the cabinet created by the fan? Have you tried adding a vibration isolation device? I had a similar issue once and Vibrapods reduced the noise considerably.
I did not know that the Oppo 95 has a fan. Are you sure? Maybe you are hearing the disc drive. Why would a non power output device have a fan? Does anybody know for sure if it has a fan?