Oppo BDP-105 ... DMP or DMR

Anyone using their Oppo BDP-105 as a DMP or DMR playing music from their computer (DMS)? Or accessing via SMB/CIFS client running on the computer?
Ordered the Oppo bdp-105 with the Roku bundle today, arrives next week sometime. I'll be able to offer a little more insight to it's streaming ability. Looks good on paper and the Oppo reps were very confident with it.
I have the oppo 95 and is great with dvd and cd. Very good sound. If you conect it with any computer PCM or DSD stream no mp3 I suppose will be great.
Mental, I will be very interested in your insight. Looks great on paper so wondering if it works as advertised similar to all SB products and PS Audio PWD MKII w/bridge.
I am using the 103 and the 105 with SMB and have been able to access/play almost anything well. The Oppo GUI is not the best but it is useful, especially with the latest firmware update. Of course, one needs an HDMI monitor to see it.

Using DLNA with jRiver, the GUI is greatly superior and it can be controlled from an IOS device with all the artwork. However, DSD is not possible.
Kr4, what do you mean "DSD is not possible"? Info on Oppo website indicates that current 103/105 firmware supports DSD playback.
Using DLNA with jRiver, the GUI is greatly superior and it can be controlled from an IOS device with all the artwork
Kr4, thanks for confirming DMP/DMR functionality.

My SACDs and BluRays are collecting dust. Contemplating getting a MW Oppo for them and use DMP function for my CDs on the computer running Logitech Media Server and eLyric iPhone App.

Christmas is close so BDP-115 release soon and MW should have a mod by Feb. LOL!!!