Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan


I just received my Oppo 95. I have a question and an observation:

How long have people found it takes before the unit is burned-in and sounding at least close to its best?

I definitely hear the fan...up to about 12 feet or so. I do have a very quiet listening environment most of the time. I'm worried, though, because I sit about 2 feet from my player! (and have to) Has anyone come up with any solutions to the fan noise? (other than putting the player a long way from the listening position, that is)

Thanks very much!

p.s. I know some say they don't hear the fan when music is playing. I understand, but it's clearly affecting the noise floor. And enjoying very subtle details, ambience, decay, etc. are very important to me.
Owned the Oppo 95 as well as many competetive players along with several High End players and found the Oppo 95 to be uniquely unlistenable to me. I am a 2 channel guy and I must say it had a very strong signature DSP style sound that overlayed everything I played on it. Sounded artificially expanded and spacious on all recordings, robbing them of their individual acoustic characteristics. The fan was also quite aggravating after only a few days.
Jdub39, I agree nothing special in standard Oppo, but modified by Modright it beat every player I had in house, including the 15,000 Playback Designs CD player. Jfz same thing applies to the unbalanced outputs.
Thanks Jwm! It sounded like you were saying the Oppo sounds much better using the balanced outputs.
Jdub, I am not commenting from complete ignorance --- I have an Oppo95 in my system. I have also had many higher end players in my system including Ayre, Gamut, dCS, and models from Esoteric including my current K01. The Oppo is outstanding value but I think it is misleading to say it can take on the really high end players. However I would highly recommend it to anyone in and above its price point.
I own the stock Oppo 95 and as many have said, it's a very good player "for the money". I bought mine specifically for video but I do enjoy it for casual listening. On the other hand, I couldn't live with it for everyday use and despite what some may think, there's no way it competes with the true high-end stuff, which unfortunately, is usually priced accordingly.

For serious listening, I have a Modwright Sony 5400 with a few upgrades, including NOS tubes. It absolutely stomps the stock version the same way the Modwright Oppo stomps it's stock version; no contest, none! I've heard JWM's modified Oppo enough times to know what I'm talking about.

As for balanced vs unbalanced, I've listened both ways through my Atma-Sphere gear, and the differences are mostly sutble. If you're running single-ended amp/preamp, I wouldn't worry about it.