Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?

Showing 1 response by palasr


One might analogize and say rubber belts are the MP3 of the drive belt world: lossy. Mylar belts simply don't stretch and the economy of energy really shines through. There is an epiphany reached when hearing a table driven with a Mylar belt for the first time - it comes so much closer to 15 or 30ips open reel analog tape that it suddenly makes rubber-driven tables sound squishy and dopey, especially in the areas you mention: LF dynamics and control, microdynamic contrast and tone color.

I would never go back to a rubber belt driven table so profound is the difference. Good listening,
