Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
Before you start trashing a product, get your facts straight. The "cheap plastic" binding posts on the JC-1's are Superior Electric binding posts, and they are not cheap junk, and were chosen by co-designer Bob Crump as sounding superior over numerous other choices. I hardly think that the numerous massive Nichicon Gold Tune caps or the Vishay resistors inside qualify as anything other than parts among the highest quality and cost available today.
Mahandave, those binding posts on the Parasounds were chosen for a reason, that overall they sound better than anything else... Superior Electric binding posts are the original, much imitated with a lot of cheap lookalikes that don't sound anywhere close to the same... If you still can't get over the appearance then I suggest you take a look inside and you will be surprised... More importantly, find a dealer who has fully broken-in JC-1s that are available for home trial and listen for yourself... One of the nice things about the JC-1s is that they don't need to be hotrodded, as they come that way from the factory...

Brian Walsh
As a very satisfied owner of the exceptional JC-1 monoblock amps, I must defend them from the undeserving attack about the build quality, and parts quality by the first responder to this thread!
The JC-1's have no "junk" parts on the inside or outside!
They are built like a tank, and use some of the highest quality and best sounding parts currently available!
I have no problem at all with the Superior Electric binding posts. The JC-1's have received rave reviews from the audio press as well as audiophiles for their excellent sound, PARTS QUALITY, and build quality! As Brian Walsh said, they are factory hot rods!
And you MUST give them their required LONG break-in period, or you will never know just how exceptional they can sound!
I will also give the JC-1s my highest recommendation based on extensive listening to my best buddy's system which includes a pair of these amps. I certainly won't say they are the best amps available, but they certainly ARE among the very best available at ANY price, IMO. They are well built, with very high parts quality (just pop the lid on one of these puppies to see what I'm talking about).

Krevzeik: I think you should refrain from making such bold statements like you did in this thread without first, knowing all the facts and second, you better be able to back up what you say or you should specify that your statements are based on your opinion and not fact. You shouldn't trash a product without first knowing the facts. Please do your homework before typing.