Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
Sean. You seem to be getting a little technical for me at least.
Not sure how you know that Nordost have an impedance of over 100+ ohms. The only technical information on thye Nordost or Harmonic technology site ie resistance of approx 0.002 ohms per ft.

BTW, I do not have Nordost speaker cables, only their interconnects.

Interestingly a lot of users and reviewers use Nordost speraker cable on a lot more than "fat" sounding speakers. I guess they must have something else fat or dull sounding in their system to compensate - yes??

First time I have ever heard cj referred to as lean sounding, but I guess you have heard the new prem 350 as well as the Valhalla speaker cables which are not part of my system, but are contributing to my balancing act of my fat speakers. doh!

Rather than come up with quite interesting technical stories, why not give some examples of the low impedance cables you so strongly recommend.

Mr Bill: I mentioned a specific value for speaker cable impedances i.e. less than 20 ohms. There are quite a few cables that achieve that figure or better. The first that come to mind are Goertz, Electrofluidics, which is a generic clone of Goertz made in the UK, several different Kimber models, Empirical Audio, etc... Whether or not all of these cables meet other particular electrical criteria or are to one's liking is another matter.

Downunder: I re-read your above post and found my mistake. You specifically mention having the Valhalla's as interconnects, but you did so right after being critical of the Transparent speaker cables. I leapt to the assumption that you had replaced them, along with the other cabling in your system, with Nordost products. My mistake and i appologize.

As to the CJ SS amps that i've heard in the past, they typically tend to sound somewhat soft in the deep bass, a little elevated in the warmth region and slightly soft and smooth up top. It is a pleasant presentation albeit somewhat reminiscent of a "moderate" tubed sound. In effect, they are "lean" sounding to me as they don't have the commanding low frequency response that one expects from a large, high powered SS amp. In effect, an amp without "slam" is "leaner" than an amp with great low frequency slam and impact. I guess it is a relative term with varying degrees, but i could see how one could be confused by my terminology.

As to what reviewers use or endorse, does that make the component or cabling "good"? Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on the reviewer and what they were discussing. I've used / heard many products that reviewers think sounds good and i know them to be horrid performers, both electrically and sonically. To be specific, the Valhalla speaker cables may work quite well with poorly designed vented speakers that lack damping, of which there are 10x more available than there are good speakers on the market. As such, mating a coloured cable with a speaker of the opposite colouration might help to balance things out.

As to the Vienna's being "fat", if you read a review of one of their products in Stereophile and their later comments about those speakers, they specifically state that they had a very hard time positioning these speakers in-room when trying to achieve natural sounding bass. I'm not making that up, nor have my own ears deceived me when forming a similar opinion of their product line after listening to them on several different occassions. When first hearing them, i thought the bottom end sounded very reminiscent of a few different Legacy models i.e. heavy bass peaking with a complete lack of definition or articulation. Sean
Down under, does that mean you are Australian? With all due respect to all the above cable and amp comments, I have found my H2O Signature monos harmonize perfectly with the simplest of simple, Speltz Anti-Cables. I get great extension and sparkling clarity. That's with my 1 ohm Scintillas.
Sean, I agreed with you re the Vienna's leaning towards the fat spectrum v the lean side. that is why I bought them.
there are not many neutral products, just someone's own version of neutral - which is a legitimate reason.

Muralman - Yes all the way downunder in Sydney. I sold the transparent and went back to the old harmonic's as they sounded better with current config.
Even thou I am not looking for speaker cables - I had a quick look at the anticable web site and iven the pricing of the anti cables it would seem a cheap option to try them out. Even all the way down in Sydney.

Are these cables quiet?.
I bought some local cable from radio shack type place a mnth or so ago to try. nice extenstion and transparancy, but huge amounts of noise.

cheers Shane
Well, I've heard the cables on various speakers, and in place of some awful good stuff, by MIT, Transparent, Shunyata, and Kimber. In every case, we all heard more detail, and extension. If the cable were noisy, how are we hearing fainter signals? I'm not arguing. I'd just like to know.