PASS LABS XO.2 Preamplifier 3 Chassis or Pass Labs XP-10

I am looking for a used Pre from Pass Labs. The question is for those with experience in both or with one of the above mentioned. I don't want to spend $4500 for a XP-20 or more. I want to stay in budget. I can get a XO.2, the 3 chassis classic reference or a newer XP-10; and don't presume newer is better. I'm okay with older if it does what I want.  My future amp is a First Watt F7 or Pass XA. I'm looking for feedback on the Pre's. 
Hi @jahatl513.  I recently upgraded to a Pass XP-22 from a XP-10 which I enjoyed for over 6 years.  There should be more XP-10 and 20s available now that the newer models are out.  I have not listened to the older X units but can say that the XP-10 is an outstanding pre.  It is dead quite and transparent and will pair synergistically with any XA amplifier.  I would feel very confident that the newer Xp-10 would outperform the older x0.2 but never had the older models in my system.
Karl_desch, Thank you for the thought. I would prefer a XP20, but will accept a 10. I did purchase an XA25 after communicating with Nelson on the subject. I don't want to short the experience with any less of a Pre.  How is the 22?

I’ve owned the XP-20 for about 1.5 years now, picked it up used for $5k.  Swapped out from a McIntosh c2500.  I’ll second Karl’s sentiment, the XP-20 is dead quiet.  Literally, you can hear what “black” sounds like.  It’s extremely transparent, and doesn’t over do any one sound characteristic.  Not too bright, no bottom end bloat.  Quite literally, it’s perfect to my ears.