Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts

Jim I agree it's up to us the consumer to determine individual comfort/budget levels. Too expensive for one is a screaming bargain for another. Know thy self.


"It seems in some circles if an audio product is very affordable yet
said to sound excellent it will be viewed warily by some merely because it isn’t expensive (enough)."

Perhaps, but how many "giant killers" or fad budget items of the year/month have there been that turned out not to be the Davids that some reviewer(s) or bandwagon fanboys made them out to be?  Healthy skepticism?

Or, is this a status symbol/bragging-right thing?

"There is little to no market, for the average audiophile (affordable for someone making $65k)."

What? I make well in excess of $65k, but with my household and familial obligations, that is far from affordable to me.