

Responses from escritorjuan

Whats playing on your system today?
Is Usher still around
Yes, as others have pointed out, they are still around.  As someone else mentioned, Fred Katli of Katli Audio is their U.S. importer.  I will be posting up a review of their Mini Dancer Two DMD speakers very soon, in fact, at my site, http://www.p... 
Music Server - The Search Begins
And this was extraordinary:http://prairieaudiomancave.com/reviews--reports/is-it-live-or-is-ita-super-komputer  
Music Server - The Search Begins
This is what I use to great effect:http://http//ayllonmedia.com/blog-and-news/the-lampizator-dsd-komputer-an-audio-expo-in-your-living-room-or-not  
Getting the best from Usher Mini Dancer II's
Here are my reviews of the PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier and the Gudebrod Audio 3T12V preamplifier, both performed with the Usher Mini Dancer Two DMD speakers:http://prairieaudiomancave.com/reviews--reports/does-the-ps-audio-bhk-preamplifier... 
Getting the best from Usher Mini Dancer II's
Mine have the DMD tweeters.   
Getting the best from Usher Mini Dancer II's
When I first received a pair of review sample Usher Mini Dancer Two DMD speakers, I thought they sounded nice, but too bright.  However, I was assured by the US distributor that they would sound significantly better after 200 hours burn-in.  Suffi... 
Capacitor rolling.
I just soldered in a pair of Jupiter Copper Foil, Wax and Paper capacitors last night into my Lampizator Lite 7 DAC and will be doing a review on the experience. They are opening up beautifully!  
Suggestions for Full Range Speakers up to 10K
The Usher Mini Dancer Two DMD speakers are quite good at $5,000 a pair!http://prairieaudiomancave.com/blog/the-man-cave-and-perhaps-the-site-is-getting-a-makeover  
Suggestions for Full Range Speakers up to 10K
Suggestions for Full Range Speakers up to 10K
I am currently auditioning and reviewing the Usher Mini Dancer Two DMD speakers and am pretty impressed so far: great detail, sound stage, bass and looks! Listing at around $5,000, they are an excellent buy! 
Anybody heard/bought Usher Mini Dancer 1 or 2
Here we are several years later when I stumbled upon the Ushers and may be reviewing a pair or two for my site:http://www.prairieaudiomancave.com/ I will be very curious to see how they sound in my room, which currently houses my Von Schweikert VR... 
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
@kdude66 , obsolete is not a verb. 
Capacitor rolling.
My review of the experience swapping in Mundorf caps is now up.  You can read it at this link:http://prairieaudiomancave.com/reviews--reports/mundorf-madness-a-look-at-the-impact-of-a-capacitor-upgrade-on-a-dac Cheers,Juan C. Ayllon 
Capacitor rolling.
Guess I lied.  I actually ended up swapping out the Mundorf MCap Supreme SilverGold capacitors for the MCap Supreme EVO SilverGold caps yesterday after arriving home from work.  I unplugged and opened up the DAC, ran errands for about an hour or s...