PC recommendation for McIntosh 501's

Putting the "final" touches on my current system which resides in a listening room that has dedicated circuits and extensive acoustic treatment.

Apart from adding a power conditioner to the front-end, the obvious next step would be to consider upgrading the pc's feeding my 501's.

I'm not looking to alter overall tonal balance, just want to let the 501's shine. In other words I'm looking for something as transparent (neutral) as possible. Any suggestions?

Here's my set-up:

CDP - Mark Levinson 390s (VH Audio Airsine / Gold Oyaide)
Preamp - Mark Levinson 326s (Shunyata Python CX)
Amps - McIntosh 501's (stock pc)
Speakers - Focal Micro Utopia Be (Audience AU24 speaker cable)
Sub - Revel Ultima Sub30 (VH Audio Airsine / Rhodium Furutech)
IC's - Nordost Valkyrja throughout
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Showing 1 response by tjnif

You owe it to yourself to try out a Kubala Emotion cables. I borrowed a set from audioclassics.com and was AMAZED and immediately ordered some. I have 2 Mcintosh MC2000's and 1 MC352..... Really opened up the sound (and my wallet) but i really think it was worth the price of admission. Don't tell my wife!!