Peachtree Nova and my Totem Sttafs...?

I am considering purchase of this intriguing integrated with the intent of using it as an all in one...The design is one of the major selling points for my wife as it will be on a modern credenza in our living room..I have also considered the Aura Note by April Music, and the arcam solo. Majority of music will be from computer/ipod...

Any input?

Showing 1 response by bwp

As long as it has the power needed for your speakers I don't think you can go wrong with the Nova. The reviews have been very positive. If I could not hide my components in a cabinet I would definitely have gone with a Nova as a clean looking all in one table top solution. Women do seem to love the design, my wife noticed a Nova ad as I was flipping through a Stereophile one evening and immediately wanted one.