Permanently sealing a vented subwoofer??

I have a budget subwoofer that I would like to tinker with if the results are positive. I read that to some degree, sealed subwoofers can produce much better in a music based system than a vented subwoofer. What would be the results if I permanently sealed the vent on a vented subwoofer? What are the consequences? Is this possible?

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

Foam in the vent will not stop airflow, but merely change the velocity and volume of the air movement.

The original premise that sealed is superior to vented is suspect. If properly designed either type will work. It's a question of trading off different sonic and/or practical compromises.
Drew, please contact the engineering departments at B&W, Avalon, Monitor Audio, Proac, Spendor, Eggleston, Wilson, Sonus Faber, VMPS, Harbeth, et. al. and let them know about the problems with their "cheap" and "small" designs.