Phono stage

Hello Friends
I'm close to Nirvana, re phono stages, but want a bit more juice, in the bass (SLAM), and a sweeter treble, that won"t make my ears bleed, just kidding, yes, on some recordings some recordings, it is a bit bright, I bought a used PS Audio GPH, that has helped, but still, want a phono stage, that will take me to the next level, don't let me wrong, the PS Audio, is great!!, but I think, I could do better!!, I'm on a pension, so the mega, expensive, units, is out of my my price range!!, I have searched the web!!, below is what, according, to reviews, I just need guidance!!
1. RCM Sensor
2. TW acoustics
3.Monk phono stage
4. Herron VTPH-2
5.Liberty  B2 ( I'm not sure, if a tube unit, will give me slam,)
6. Mc Tavish  design(tube)
7. Decware ZP3 (tube)
8. Nagra VPS, or BPS
What is your thoughts??
Bass is where I'm coming from!!, with a smooth treble, but with nice cymbels

Showing 1 response by kennythekey

I have listened extensively to the TW-Acustic phono on your list, and I own the 300b Monoblocks. I'm also partial to the Tron Seven Ultimate, and both of these phonos produce strinkingly natural sound that is relaxed and alive. I have heard excellent bass from both, but that's been system dependent.

A critical part when choosing a phono, and other gear, is knowing that the component works well with your other components in advance of purchase. When I was piecing my system together, my dealer had a number of different fine brands like Tron, Lamm, TW-Acustic, Thoress, etc.. When discussing adding this phono to that line stage, he was upfront about what works and sounds better together. And, cost was not a factor.