Popping noise when muting pream

I have a VTL preamp hooked up to a sonic frontiers sfs 50 amp using all nordost cables. I noticed a hum in the right channel and when I mute the preamp it pops.
I've checked all the tubes and they are seated fine, I also checked my cables and they are also seated.
My equipment is plugged into a Panamax power conditioner. Suggestions?
Lift the ground that is from the tone arm away from the chassis ground on the phono pre-amp. You could have the classic ground loop problem. If this does cure the problem then look for a leaky cap.
DC offset at the output of the preamp and then muting it could cause a pop. Also if you had a faulty ground connection inside one of your interconnects or RCA jacks that could also cause the hum. Swap the cables and see if it moves to the other channel.
I had that problem twice with different BAT preamps, both times it turned out to be a leaky capacitor. It sounds like your preamp needs some professional service.