Power Cables for Martin Logan Ascents?

I have a pair of Ascents with Audience AU 24 cables and 9 ft power chords from Signal Cable currently.
They sound fine currently but I am curious if a better PC would improve imaging or possibly mid bass attack, an audiophile friend used a pair of Tara Labs affinity chords with his and was impressed but its difficult to find 9' lengths in PC's. I am considering the Audio Metallurgy PC's because I can order them in 9' lengths but I know nothing about them.
My taste in music leans toward classic rock but I enjoy anything that sounds good. The speakers are used for both 2ch and multi channel fronts.
I would appreciate any help and would like to keep expense for pair under $1000. Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by jp1208

Hi Krellboy. My experience with audio has been somewhat short. But, I am greatful I found audiogon early before
I started changing too much and spending a lot of money and not getting the results I wanted. What I found in researching on audiogon was you need to start with your first link in the chain. Speakers are the last link and a
reference point of what just happened. So, without knowing
all the links in your system it would be hard to say what would benefit it the most. By all means don't start going
When someone is talking about bad current you need to ask yourself what is it and how did it get there? How do you measure bad current? If you have dedicated circuits then you probably don't have to worry about current. Rf and
time smearing is something to be worried about. Get rid of this and your system will start to transform. Solid core metals seem to help a lot rather than wire that is twisted together. One little problem with solid wire is stiffness.
Words to describe timing: staging,3d,imaging, airy and anything else you can think of have a lot to do with timing. Do the vocals sound like they are coming from the
center of the stage and the drums are behind the vocals with good depth?
My system does this very well now and I did not change any sources "yet". Just wiring mods. I do use both
audio metallurgy and signal cable. The speaker wire is now
Paul Speltz anti cable bi-wired. Two dedicated circuits
are running an amp and a panamax. The amp does not run into any power conditioner. Since my timing is so much better I will be experimenting with power cords coming from the wall outlet. I am very impressed with audio metallurgy GA-0 ic's and the GA-9 power cord for sources.
The speaker wire made the biggest improvement though so if
I were you I would be looking at speaker wire and dedicated circuits possibly. If you put your system on audiogon and asked for improvement possibilities you will
get a ton of feedback and probably come out with an electrical engineering degree. So show us your system. You might find that a source upgrade could be a whole lot better than a pc for your system. IMHO if your timing is there then your wiring is good. Better timing means better
highs,lows,mids and music. Better source components will
add layers to the music.